N-gram Language Model

An external language model can improve ASR accuracy, especially in out-of-domain contexts with rare or specialised vocabulary. CAIMAN-ASR supports the use of KenLM n-gram language model shallow fusion corrections when using --decoder=beam. We have seen a consistent WER improvement even when the N-gram is trained on ASR data transcripts. As such we automatically generate this N-gram during preprocessing and use it during validation by default. See the Validation with an N-gram section for more details.

Build an N-gram Language Model

When adapting the preprocessing steps detailed here for your own dataset, you should have generated an n-gram language model trained on your transcripts. To generate an n-gram from a different dataset, see the following steps.

Preparing Data

To train an n-gram with KenLM on transcripts from ASR datasets, the data must first be prepared into the correct format - a .txt file where tokens within a sentence are space-separated and each sentence appears on a new line.

To gather the transcripts from json manifest files, run the following command inside a running container:

python caiman_asr_train/lm/prep_kenlm_data.py --data_dir /path/to/dataset/ --manifests manifest1.json manifest2.json --output_path /path/to/transcripts.txt --model_config configs/config.yaml

To instead gather the transcripts from data in the WebDataset format, run the following command:

python caiman_asr_train/lm/prep_kenlm_data.py --data_dir /path/to/dataset/ --read_from_tar --tar_files file1.tar file2.tar --output_path /path/to/transcripts.txt --model_config configs/config.yaml


Use the same model configuration file that was used for RNN-T. If the n-gram is not trained on data tokenized by the same SentencePiece model, using an ngram language model is likely to degrade WER.

Training an N-gram

To train an n-gram, run the generate_ngram.sh script as follows:

./scripts/generate_ngram.sh [NGRAM_ORDER] /path/to/transcripts.txt /path/to/ngram.arpa /path/to/ngram.binary

For example, to generate a 4-gram, set [NGRAM_ORDER] to 4 as follows:

./scripts/generate_ngram.sh 4 /path/to/transcripts.txt /path/to/ngram.arpa /path/to/ngram.binary

The script will produce an ARPA file, which is a human-readable version of the language model, and a binary file, which allows for faster loading and is the recommended format. Binary files are the only usable format when generating hardware checkpoints, though providing an n-gram is optional.

Validation with an N-gram

During beam search validation, the n-gram language model generated during preprocessing is used by default, by reading from the following entries in the model configuration file:

  ngram_path: /datasets/ngrams/NGRAM_SUBDIR
  scale_factor: 0.05

First, a binary file, named ngram.binary, in NGRAM_SUBDIR is searched for. If not found, an ARPA file - ngram.arpa - is searched for. If neither file exists, the process will crash with an error. To prevent this, use the --skip_ngram flag to disable the use of an n-gram during validation with beam search:

scripts/val.sh --decoder=beam --skip_ngram

The scale_factor adjusts the scores from the n-gram language model, and this will require tuning for your dataset. Values between 0.05 and 0.1 are empirically effective for improving WER. See the Sweep Scale Factor section below for details on running a sweep across the scale factor.

To use an n-gram that was trained on a different dataset, use the --override_ngram_path argument, which will take precedence over any n-grams in NGRAM_SUBDIR:

scripts/val.sh --decoder=beam --override_ngram_path /path/to/ngram.binary

Sweep Scale Factor

To optimize the scale_factor for your n-gram language model, use the sweep_scale_factor.py script. This script iterates over multiple scale_factor values, performs validation, and updates your model config YAML with the best one based on WER.

Run the following command to perform a sweep:

python caiman_asr_train/lm/sweep_scale_factor.py --checkpoint /path/to/checkpoint.pt --model_config configs/config.yaml --val_manifests /path/to/manifest.json

By default, a sweep is performed across [0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25]. To specify custom values, use the --scale_factors argument:

python caiman_asr_train/lm/sweep_scale_factor.py --scale_factors 0.1 0.2 0.3 --checkpoint /path/to/checkpoint.pt --model_config configs/config.yaml --val_manifests /path/to/manifest.json