Delay Penalty

Delay penalty is an algorithm that was introduced in this paper to reduce emission latency of RNN-T models. The idea is to penalize delayed emission of non-blank tokens according to the specific frame indexes during training. The algorithm was implemented directly into the Apex loss calculation by introducing an auxiliary term to the vanilla RNN-T loss. The implementation supports two options of setting the delay penalty: a constant value or a stepwise scheduler.

It is important to note that reducing emission latency may result in a slight degradation of WER. In general, the higher the delay penalty, the lower the emission latency and the higher the WER.

Constant delay penalty

The original paper describes fixing the delay penalty at a constant value lambda throughout the training. This setup can be used by passing the following argument to the training script:

./scripts/ --delay_penalty=lambda

The paper shows that the optimal values of lambda are in range of [0.001, 0.01].


Our experiments have shown that a non-constant delay penalty scheduler achieves a better trade-off between WER and emission latency. Enabling delay penalty before the model has learned a small amount of language was empirically found to prevent the RNN model from converging below a WER of 100%. However, this requires having a good estimate before training of the point at which the model goes below 100% WER. The stepwise schedule avoids this by stepping from an initial delay penalty to a final delay penalty at a WER threshold. The stepwise schedule can be enabled by passing:

--delay_penalty 'wer_schedule' \
--dp_initial_value <value before toggle step> \
--dp_final_value <value after toggle step> \
--dp_toggle_step <fallback training step to toggle on> \
--dp_wer_threshold <WER threshold to trigger step>

The default values for these arguments were the values used to train the v1.13.0 models.

Next steps

To evaluate the emission latency of your model, see the Emission Latency documentation.