Saving Predictions

To dump the predicted text for a list of input wav files, pass the --dump_preds argument and call

./scripts/ --dump_preds --val_manifests=/results/your-inference-list.json

Predicted text will be written to /results/preds[rank].txt

The argument --dump_preds can be used whether or not there are ground-truth transcripts in the json file. If there are, then the word error rate reported by val will be accurate; if not, then it will be nonsense and should be ignored. The minimal json file for inference (with 2 wav files) looks like this:

    "transcript": "dummy",
    "files": [
        "fname": "relative-path/to/stem1.wav"
    "original_duration": 0.0
    "transcript": "dummy",
    "files": [
        "fname": "relative-path/to/stem2.wav"
    "original_duration": 0.0

where "dummy" can be replaced by the ground-truth transcript for accurate word error rate calculation, where the filenames are relative to the --data_dir argument fed to (or defaulted to by), and where the original_duration values are effectively ignored (compared to infinity) but must be present. Predictions can be generated using other checkpoints by specifying the --checkpoint argument.